Thursday, October 14, 2010


Some children shared a play with us today - "Chicken-Licken". Please take a look at our video and give us some feedback. Lilah did a great job filming the group, thanks Lilah!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our Kaiapoi Buddies

On Tuesday, we wrote a letter to Room 7, KNS:

Hi Room 7,

Thank you for your message.
We really want to help you! UHPS will be raising money through a mufti day and the money will go towards the "Canterbury Earthquake Appeal".

Thank you for sharing your feeling with us and we are very glad that you are all safe. You can check out our school using the satellite view on Google Maps.

140 Kyle Rd
Greenhithe, North Shore City 0632

Show on Google Maps
Google Maps

We looked for your school on Google Maps and we really like your school.

At UHPS, there are four Year 2 classes, Room 5, 6, 7 and 8. And we are called the "Tuatua" team. There are 22 children in Room 8, 14 girls and 8 boys. We would love to know more about you. How many boys and girls are there in Room 7?

Will KNS need to demolish any buildings? Did you get any red cards for your buildings? We will be having an earthquake drill at school and we are learning to "drop, cover, hold".

We like your blog because it looks the same as ours. We are a follower on your blog, you have done a great job with your writing. Is Mr O the deputy principal?

Can we help you in some ways?

Lots of love,

Room 8

They replied yesterday with a lovely email and we wrote back. Room 8 decided to buddy up so that we each have a buddy.

Hello Room 8!
Thank you for your email. we are amazed that you would hold a mufti day for us! Thank you!! We think you are cool dudes.
We got in to groups of 3 to write letters to you.

To Room 8,
I saw a car stuck in the mud. In the earthquake there was gigantic cracks. There's pot holes. We didn't get to go on our trip to the school of gymnastics because the it was damaged in the earthquake.
Connor, Kate and Cody.

Hi Connor, Kate and Cody,
(Sabrina) Hi Connor, can you be my buddy please? We went on the bus to go the Honey Centre. The bus was fun. I hope you can go on another trip and have fun on the bus as well. On our way back to the school, the bus was very loud.

(Sara) Hi Kate, would you like to be my buddy? I am sorry that you didn’t get to go on the trip. We went on a trip and we saw queen bees. We were talking about the trip on the way back to school. I am sorry about the earthquake.

(Ryan) I looked at Room 7’s blog and I would like to be your buddy, is that ok? I am really sorry that you did not go on your trip. Room 8 went to the Honey Centre a few weeks ago. We learnt a lot there. There were a lot of bees. The bus ride was loud. Did you know that a bee sings you, it will die?

To Room 8,
There is 10 girls and 10 boys in Room 7. Our team is called Koru. Do you have values and beliefs? Our values and beliefs are respect, responsibility, arohanui, opportunity, quality and community. Do you have assemblies? Do you have a superkid? Our names are Heather, Thomas and Jasmine. Our school uniform is red and black.

Dear Heather, Thomas and Jasmine,
(Riley) Hi Heather, would you like to be my buddy? Our uniform is blue with a koru on it. Our pants are black. When it is winter, we all need to wear a skivvy underneath our shirt. and sometimes a scarf. When it is summer, we have to wear our school hat to keep us safe from the sun.

(Keita) Hi Thomas, I would like to be your buddy, is that ok? We have values too. Our values are “looking after yourself”, “looking after others”, “looking after the environment” and “using right time, right place, right person thinking”.

(Lilah) Hi Jasmin, would you like to be my buddy? We have a hall where the whole school would go to have our assemblies. We celebrate our netball teams and we have some Year 6 leaders who would make a tunnel in a straight line for the winning team to go down the tunnel. That is when we cheer. You can watch our Tunnel of Champions on our blog.

To Room 8,
Our museum has to be demolished. Levi's dad works at Blackwells and it is going to be demolished. Blackwells is a big shop you can get clothes and teddies and toys from. Our houses have cracks. Who is in your class? What colour uniform do you wear?
From Levi, Liana, Maniah.

Hi Levi, Liana and Maniah,
(Chloe) Levi, would you like to be my buddy? I feel really sad for your dad because the shop is going to be demolished. We have to wear our school uniform. We wear blue shirts and black leggings to school. We wear stockings when it is cold.

(Shreta) Hi Maniah, how are you doing? Can you be my buddy please? Do you have to demolish any classrooms at your school? Do you have to demolish your principal’s office? I hope you did not get hurt from the afterschocks because that would be really sad. Do you have to demolish your nice playground?

(Isabella) Liana, can you please be my buddy? Becuase I would like to send you a love card. Our uniform is blue with black. We have to wear a skivvy in winter and our skivvy is black. We have a blue stripe on our collar. We have a white koru. I hope all of you are safe.

To Room 8,
My Aunty's house has been pushed up. Her front door won't shut. Mr Miles is our principal, he is tall. Who is your principal?
Kaleb, Tayla and Sam

Hello Kaleb, Tayla and Sam,
(Grace) Would you like to be my buddy Kaleb? Our principal’s name is Ms. Craig. What does Room 7 look like? Do you do fitness? Did you know that there are around 2500 houses that need a lot of fixing or rebuilding in the Canterbury? They have red stickers on them. What was it like to be in an earthquake?

(Gauri) Hi Tayla, would you like to be my buddy? I would like to make some paper snowflake for you. I hope your house did not get a red card and that you have a home to go to after school. I hope all the houses can be fixed. Did you get an orange or green card?

(Danielle) Sam, would you like to be my buddy? Our principal Ms. Craig is a very nice principal. I hope you did not get too many stickers.

To Room 8,
Chimneys got knocked down, cars got stuck in holes, bikes got stuck in mud. Yes, Mr O is our deputy principal.
Kane, Perry and Bonni

Hi Kane, Perry and Bonni,
(Andy) Would you like to be my buddy Kane? An earthquake is very strong and it damages houses. We have 22 kids and had an earthquake drill. We had to drop, cover and hold.

(Tegan) Would you like to be my buddy Perry? During our earthquake drill, we had to pretend that there was a real earthquake.

(Aidan) Hi Bonni, can you please be my buddy? Becuase some houses do not have a chimney does that mean it is very cold in winter? Do you need lots of blankets to go to sleep? Our Deputy Principal is Mrs. Thorburn. Did you stay under the table for a long time during the earthquake? Was the earthquake scary? Did you remember to drop, cover and hold? I hope you did not get hurt very badly, only small bruises.

To Room 8,
We have humungous bumps on the road. We have to use hand sanitiser. Our school got some cracks in the windows but in Room 7 the chairs fell off the desks and our clock fell down. Miss T's desk was messed up but it was already messy anyway! We have to use special drink bottles and hand sanitiser. We use it for washing our hands. Because the sewage pipe have been broken so we can't drink out of the taps or we might get yukky germs.
Joseph and Reuben and Leticya.

Hi Joseph, Reuben and Leticya,
(Natasha) Hi Joseph, can you please be my buddy? In an earthquake, buildings collapse and fall. When an earthquake happens you must drop, cover and hold. You must cover yourself under something far from the glass because if you are near the glass it can fall on you. What type of special drink bottles do you have? How bad are the cracks on the window? I hope the bumps are not too bad. How can help you? I hope no one got hurt.

(Annie) Reuben, can you be my buddy please? I hope you will have some water soon. Will people be coming to fix your windows soon?

(Robyn) Hi Leticya, can you please be my buddy? I am Robyn. Wow, I guess the bumps on the road are very big. Well, maybe you should walk on the area that has no cracks. Soon you will have some water! Your teacher should keep her table tidy. I hope some of you will soon have a new home. I hope none of you had a red sticker. We had a trip to the Honey Centre. We hope you will have water soon. Our Deputy Principal is Mrs. Jo Thorburn. Do you get cold at night without a chimney?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sharing Our Learning

We have been very busy preparing ourselves for "Sharing Our Learning". Room 8 children shared their learning with their families over two nights and they did a fabulous job at sharing their WALT and Success Criteria. A huge thank you to Room 8's community for your support, we had 100% attendance :)
  • Aidan: I was very excited to share my learning with my Mum and my Nana. I enjoyed playing on the Smartboard with them.
  • Andy: I read "Cass the Colour Robber" with my Mum and she liked the story.
  • Annie: Thank you Mum for coming last night.
  • Chloe: My Mummy was very excited and I showed her what I learn at "Thumbs-Up".
  • Danielle: I liked talking about my maths wall because I like maths.
  • Gauri: I enjoyed showing my Mum my penguin artwork, she loved it!
  • Grace: I had lots of fun and I liked reading "The Brave Mouse" with my Mum.
  • Isabella: I enjoyed reading and singing "The Brave Mouse" to my Mum.
  • Keita: Thank you Mum for listening to me. I liked playing on the Smartboard with you because we helped each other.
  • Lilah: I did a great job at introducing Miss Kao to my Mum. I enjoyed showing our blog to my Mum.
  • Natasha: I had fun sharing my learning with my Mum and Dad!
  • Quinn: Thank you Mum and Dad for coming to "Sharing Our Learning"!
  • Riley: I liked sharing my learning with my family. I enjoyed talking about spelling and reading!
  • Robyn: Thank you Mum and Dad for coming, I liked it that both of you came.
  • Ryan: I had fun on the computer with my Dad because I got to teach him how to leave a comment.
  • Sabrina: Hi Mum and Dad, I hope you liked my "sharing our learning".
  • Sara: I talked with a clear voice and I did a great job at talking about my learning.
  • Shreta: We had a lot of fun on the Smartboard sorting the animals.
  • Tegan: We all enjoyed last night!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hello from Kaiapoi North School

Hello Room 8!

We are a class of 20 Year 2 kids in Room 7 at Kaiapoi North. Thank you for your email. It is very nice of you to think about us. Here are some of the things we brainstormed about the earthquake and what has happened to us.

  • We got freaked out but we are alright - Leticya
  • There is a lot of damage around Kaiapoi and some of our buildings have to be demolished - Levi
  • We have to have stickers on our houses to say if they are safe - Reuben
  • The roads are messy - Joseph
  • The bridges are bendy - Jack
  • Cars got stuck in the mud and holes - Connor
  • Chimneys fell down - Perry
  • There are lots of cracks by the bridges - Jasmine

We would love to talk to you about what we have been seeing. We have looked on our map of New Zealand to see where you are. Where in Auckland are you?

Thank you,

Room 7


Canterbury Earthquake

The Canterbury Earthquake happened on the 4th September, Room 8 talked about how we can help the people in Christchurch. We watched a video clip on Kaiapoi and learnt that the town was badly affected by the Earthquake. So Room 8 decided to email Kaiapoi North School to see if there is anything we can do to help them. We felt that it is very important for us to talk to some of them to make sure they are safe. Mr. Miles, the Principal from Kaiapoi North School emailed us back and thanked us for thinking of them. A Year 2 class from KNS will be in touch with us soon.

Also, we are very worried about our former classmate Benjamin who moved to Christchurch last term. So we used our 'inquiry' skill to decide on our actions. Mrs. Wagg helped us and she found out which school Benjamin is at - St Albans School. We emailed the school today and hopefully we will be able to speak to Benjamin soon!!


At our Monday Assembly, we discussed how we can "look after others" and show our respect. Room 8 did some thinking and here are some of our ideas. Please share some of your ideas with us by leaving a comment.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Honey Centre

The Tuatuas went to the Honey Centre in Puhoi on Wednesday, we had a great time!

"We are at the Honey Centre!"

Rod from the Honey Centre spoke to us and he shared a lot of interesting information about the honey bees with us.

Keita was getting wax by stirring really fast, he gave it his best shot.

Four children demonstrated the roles of the worker bees and the drones, they did a great job!

We made beeswax candles by rolling a sheet of beeswax over a wick and we got to take our candles home.

We learnt that bees would only sting to defend themselves, so we sat around the hive quietly. We enjoyed watching the bees busy at work. Buzz... buzz... buzz...

Can you find the Queen Bee?

Room 8 had a fantastic time at the Honey Centre, thank you to all the parent helpers :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We love folk dancing

We practise our folk dancing every Tuesday and Thursday in the hall. We have been learning many different dances and would like to share them with you...

This is us getting ready ~

"Follow the Leader"

"Seven Jumps"

"Carna Valito"

Tunnel of Champions

Last Friday, UHPS held a special assembly to celebrate some great sporting achievements made by our students. Isabella, Natasha and Sabrina in Room 8 are players from the Upper Harbour Butterflies netball team. Here is a special message from their very proud coach - Rachel van der Ent:

"Upper Harbour Butterflies won their final competitive game on Saturday against Bayview Butterflies 9-0. The team has remained unbeaten since grading and are now the winners of Year 2 D grade. They will be attending a prizegiving at Pinehurst School on Saturday 11 September at 10am.

I am so proud of the team, none of the girls have played before and they have come so far with their netball skills this season compared to how they played on their first ever game! They have really jelled as a team and more importantly learnt the life long skill of playing a team sport and working together."

The Year 6 leaders formed a tunnel and our champions celebrated their success in front of the school by running through the tunnel!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


The Lions have been learning about what makes a good interview, we read the book - "Birdwoman Interview". We learnt that a great interviewer would ask questions that will find out unusual and interesting information about the interviewee's life. So the Lions each chose a teacher that they would like to interview and we gave it a go! Thank you Aidan for being the camera man.


Chloe did a fabulous job at retelling "The Three Little Pigs" yesterday, the class thought she was very successful because she included some actions and singing. Well done, Chloe.