Sunday, September 12, 2010

Honey Centre

The Tuatuas went to the Honey Centre in Puhoi on Wednesday, we had a great time!

"We are at the Honey Centre!"

Rod from the Honey Centre spoke to us and he shared a lot of interesting information about the honey bees with us.

Keita was getting wax by stirring really fast, he gave it his best shot.

Four children demonstrated the roles of the worker bees and the drones, they did a great job!

We made beeswax candles by rolling a sheet of beeswax over a wick and we got to take our candles home.

We learnt that bees would only sting to defend themselves, so we sat around the hive quietly. We enjoyed watching the bees busy at work. Buzz... buzz... buzz...

Can you find the Queen Bee?

Room 8 had a fantastic time at the Honey Centre, thank you to all the parent helpers :)


  1. We liked listening to Rod. We liked the trip. By Isabella and Sabrina.

  2. Room 8, I'm so sorry I missed your trip to The Honey Centre. It sounds like you learned a lot about bees and are beginning to appreciate the 'interdependence' of bees and many of our New Zealand plants! Keep up the great learning!

  3. We hope no one got stung by the bees.

  4. The honey centre was fun.

  5. I hope Keita was the fastest.
